When text files or searchable productions images are to be included in the production export, first use the Extract Text options to obtain the text version needed. Next, to export a production for delivery to the receiving party, right click on the production and choose Export production….
Select the required fields for the metadata to be supplied (BegBates, EndBates, BegAttach, EndAttach are standard minimum to be included) and the format for the export (images or PDF) and if text is included.
If production requires single page TIFF images select the "Export lower resolution images" for the documents to be converted to TIFF images. Documents set to be exported as black & white by the custom print settings or right clicking in the grid and selecting Export Image As…BW will be TIFF. All color documents are .jpg.
Once the export is complete the export location will open for QC. Confirm the Images folder contains the number of exported pages, OCR contains the number of export documents and load files are present.