Policy determines which documents from the corpus of all processed materials are subject to review. The one exception, anything with a Bates number is never suppressed from review (even if the documents do not meet the current policy). An additional update has been made to allow for a single import to be passed through (skip policy).
DeDup Options allow review to be set to include only one copy of each document across the entire matter, dedupe the files within each collection or not to dedupe and review all documents. Email attachments are exempt from the dedup policy in order to maintain complete famlies.
"Include previously suprressed documents" when documents have been removed and need to be placed back into review.
Restore suppressed thread groups will restore after Include Only Longest Thread has been selected in review.
To dedup collections or custodians
- In review place the contents of the data set into a binder (multiple collections/custodians to be de-dupped); use the CTRL+Search to activate the Save results to....option for large data sets
- Right click on binder - choose Binder Properties - de-dup
Select the binder and search "include families" placing the family members back into the binder
Exclude the contents of the binder and filter on the data set by double clicking on the binder
The duplicates from that data set will now appear in the filter tree and can be removed from review. Removing From Review
The above screen shot demonstrates where Custodian Desktops and Emails were placed in a DeDup Test binder and then the binder Dedupped. Excluding the binder and including the Custodian Desktops collection will bring into the filter screen all duplicates that were in the Custodian Desktops and also in the Email collection. The resulting filter set is then eligible to be removed from the matter if not needed to review (select all - right click - document properties - remove from review).
To Modify the Date Range In Review
Select the collection(s)/custodian(s) to which the date filter needs to be applied. Under More Filters is the Date option. Once the Grid Screen displays the documents with the date criteria to be excluded from the matter select all - right click - document properties - remove from review or delete from matter.
To modify a specific import for pass through
When a specific import needs to be placed entirely into review (perhaps for assessment of the contents that are being excluded by policy) go to that import in the Manage Collections window. A drop down for Policy is available on the import level.
Select “passthrough” to pass through to review ALL data in the import. Go to Settings - Review Policy and run the policy to apply the passthrough to this import.
In this example all documents within this import were duplicates thus excluded from Review where the policy was set to de-dup across the matter.
To apply the policy back to the import simply re-select Apply Policy on the Policy drop down and again run the policy from Settings - Review Policy.