On the Document List highlight the documents to be exported.
Choose Export Documents (Ctrl+E keyboard shortcut) from the Review menu:
The Export Documents pop-up box will appear:
Click on the Browse button (…) to select the destination of the files.
- For private cloud customer export to the D:\DATA drive on the server.
- For monthly matters export to the XFER (or EFT) location by typing \\eft\CLIENTNAME$\FOLDER NAME.
Click on the drop down to choose the File Name Format of the export (ID or Bates are the recommended filename as this allows the exact file to be located in the database). Use SORTSEQ in the File Format Name for documents sorted in a particular order for which the sort needs to be maintained outside DWR.
For example, when the documents are sorted in date order in DWR, this option will keep them in date order on export by adding a sequence number into the name (00001-ID001234, 00002-ID001235)
Check the box in the Export section to choose Native, PDF and/or Produced format for the exported files. Additional options include the Image Link (placeholder), Associated text files and/or Include Annotations. Including Annotations will include redactions which have not been produced and any notations on the documents.
Click Export. DWR will open the export location automatically when the export completes.
Included with the document export will be an index in Excel format containing all the currently visible Document List columns as well as Bates numbers and hyperlinks to the exported documents.
For Digital WarRoom Cloud Customers
Once exported right click on the exported folder and choose 7-Zip to create a zip file for transport.
After the file is zipped, right click on the zipped file and copy (CTRL+C) which will copy the file to the clipboard of the computer being used to access the server. Click on the destination local folder or desktop and paste by right clicking>paste (CTRL+V).
When the file size is too large to transport via this manner, an option to ShareFile the file is available. Contact Support@digitalwarroom.com if you need the login credentials for the ShareFile for your matter.