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Redactions - Applying to Documents

Select a redaction option to activate the redaction tools:



Select the Area Redaction tool to redact using redaction boxes:


Select the Text Redaction tool to redact lines of text:


For Auto Redactions select the drop down for the Pattern Recognition options:

Select the Preview button to view the redactions in their final production format:

To modify the text that will appear on the redaction, select the Text tool:

Modify the text as needed:

To Modify the default text on all redactions select the Redaction Settings. Modifications to the default redaction settings will not be applied to existing redactions.

To redact all pages select the Redact All button:

To remove all redactions select the Clear Redactions button:

To remove a redaction use the Hand to select a single redaction or the multiselect tool for multiple redactions:

Confirm the deletions: