While eDisocvery platforms are each unique in the storage of data and application of work product, the process of exporting data to be input into another platform is consisted across platforms. In summary, where data has been produced by another platform, the same production export provided to the receiving party is loaded into DWR. Where data has not yet been produced, a single native file production is generated of that data for export.
The chart below lists the metadata fields most commonly used in DWR as a guide to which fields to export and overlay.
METADATA | Description | |
CONTROL | Unique number created by provider to associate this metadata with a give document. This is usually the name of the file on disk as well. | |
FAMILY | For compound documents, this is the top most file in the group. For example, records for a email with attachment would all contain the control number of the email. | |
IMPORT | String denoting the collection name of the document set at processing time. | |
CUSTODIAN | Name of the custodian associated with this document | |
ORIGIN/PATH | The original path on disk (not to be confused with the location of the produced file). | |
TITLE | Document title if not an email. This may also be the subject of an email where the "title" and "subject" are stored together in the system. | |
SUBJECT | Subject line of an email | |
MD5 | Text version of the MD5 hash value (32 characters, hex digit format). | |
EXT | The original extension of the file | |
DATE | Date of the parent document (sometimes called "Sort Date"). Usually "Send or Received" if email, and "Last Modified" if a non-email document. For attachments, it is always the same as the parent date. | |
CREATED | Date the document or email was created. 1/1/1900 if not available | |
MODIFIED | Date the document or email was last modified. 1/1/1900 if not available | |
SENTON | Date the email was sent. 1/1/1900 if not available | |
RECEIVED | Date the email was received. 1/1/1900 if not available | |
DATE TIME | Time of the parent document or email was created. 12:00 if not available | |
CREATED TIME | Time the document or email was created. 12:00 if not available | |
MODIFIED TIME | Time the document or email was last modified. 12:00 if not available | |
SENTON TIME | Time the email was sent. 12:00 if not available | |
RECEIVED TIME | Time the email was received. 12:00 if not available | |
UTC | The UTC time equivalent for the DATE field. This ensure we can compute proper time zone offsets regardless of the current time zone rules. | |
MSGID | The unique internal message ID | |
SENTFROM | Full display name of the email sender | |
SENTTO | Full display name of the TO recipients. Names are ';' separated | |
CC | Full display name of the CC recipients. Names are ';' separated | |
BCC | Full display name of the BCC recipients. Names are ';' separated | |
FROMADDR | Email address with domain of the sender | |
TOADDR | Email address with domain of all recipients. Addresses are ';' separated | |
AUTHOR | The author field as listed in the original document's internal metadata | |
DOCTITLE | The title as listed in the original document's internal metadata | |
COMPANY | The company name listed in the original document's internal metadata | |
VERSION | The text version listed in the original document's internal metadata | |
LASTMODBY | Name of the person who last modified the document | |
DESCRIPTION | The description provided by the original document's internal metadata | |
REVISION | Numeric version of the current revision count if provided in the original document's internal metadata. | |
COMMENT | Comment applied during review for specific documents | |
BINDERS | List of binder labels including the hierarchical folder structure. If your system is unable to separate binders and tags, please place all fields in the tags column. | |
TAGS | Include all attorney work product such as file designations and dispositions. | |
CUSTOM FIELDS | ALL other user created fields not extracted from document metadata. Each field must appear as a separate column in the DAT file. | |
NATIVE LINK | Relative path to the original (native) file | |
IMAGE LINK | Relative path to the associated document image | |
TEXT LINE | Relative path to any plain text associated with the document | |
Notes | Do NOT include OCR or other "body text" directly into the DAT file. | |
Date and Time fields can be combined if the system allows and that is more convenient for export. | ||
Fields with multiple values use ';' as a separator. | ||
Hierarchal value levels are indicated with the '>' delimiter | ||